DAY 4 - day-trip to Port de Sóller

Bus passing by Valldemossa, Mallorca
The right way to show the ocean your love to her.
Port de Sóller
Refugi De Muleta / Port de Sóller


saw her sitting on ground waiting with other people for the concert yesterday.
in Stuttgart, at "Im Wizemann"

today is hot but not that hot...

Saw this shirt-less man in tram this afternoon, it is hot today but not that hot, and I do not like his look, many other people had this "I do not like this"-look on their faces too, and moved their eyes away. I just have to check him very quickly for few more times so that I can draw him tonight.

muchas cosas No 26: mi paraguas

i do not always love rain, but i have some favorite umbrellas..

Something new in shop.

mi pulpo

when i am learning Spanish, the optopus appears time to time as something delicious..I actually find it very cute..

man on scooter

Saw this man driving his motor-scooter with his legs crossed and Xi'an, China


for those who have big "hole" in their brain...who hear the wind...for who chew nice things...who do not need eyes to see the world and the bigger world....

sometimes my ideas "move" in my head...and every time I try to make an animation, my brain hurts....that is why i will try to reduce it as much as I that I would not feel too tired...

less is less

Many people who share minimalism-artworks love to say:"less is more"...I think who said this was convincing people who prefer "more" than "less" to also accept "less", and it is something in the product-design world, architecture is part of it too.
In the art world, for example, when we are talking about a drawing or a photograph, saying "less is more" is just boring, less is less, less itself is just beautiful and perfect. It doesn't have to be more or have more meanings to have its value...sometimes, nothingness is perfect too.

Good night treasures

Every time after travel I am too tired to work on photos I have taken, I will wait till I remember them again and remember that I have another hobby...I like things found on streets and happens on streets, life is simply a better museum than any other just need to see it...

(Photo was taken on 23th October 2014)

tea be continued

No. 4 Grüner Tee Zitrone
No. 3 Spanische Orange
No. 2  Grünner Tee Ingwer


I had a bad cold recently and drank a lot tea, yesterday I decided that I will draw as many tea bags as I want to, in memory of this cold which made me really weak... Tea bags are pretty...just don't know when will I get bored...I will dry them and draw each one of them, see if every tea bag is different...